Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We want you to have a fun and easy Quiltster experience so we’ve put together a list of likely solutions to help you get Quiltstering again right away.
99% of the time, one of the actions on the troubleshooting check-list will correct minor issues without needing further assistance. Please try them one at a time, stopping after each one to retry Quiltster. By doing it this way, you may find that you do not need to go through the entire list before finding a solution.
1. For the best Quiltster experience
- Use Google Chrome as your browser.
- Close all other programs, windows, tabs while using
- Update your device with the latest software version.
2. Troubleshooting Check-List
- Log out of, then log back in.
- Clear browser cache. View instructions here.
- Restart your device.
3. Report an Issue
If you’ve done everything on the lists above but are still experiencing issues, please fill out the Bug Report Form to initiate an investigation. Consider attaching a screenshot of error messages to expedite a solution. Thank you!