The nice thing about Quiltster subscriptions is that you can manage your account to cancel and resubscribe as needed. Now, let’s be clear, that all subscriptions auto-renew, so if you don’t want that to happen, you only need to manage your status from your Account page.
Become a Quiltster Member
The first step is to subscribe to the Monthly plan. A payment of $9.99 will process right away which pays for the upcoming 30 day cycle.
Cancel the Auto-Renew Billing
To avoid further billing, click “Cancel Plan” on your account page at any time prior to your upcoming billing date. This cancels all upcoming payments from processing. Your subscription will remain open for the remainder of the current billing period before closing.
Refresh the page, to see your close date. Feel free to use the Quilt Planner until that date.
Pro Tip: You can do this at any time for the monthly AND annual plan. Just know that if you close the annual plan, you will finish out the 12 months before the account closes.
Resubscribe when you’re ready.
When the time comes, we’ll be here for you! Simply resubscribe using the same email address as before then repeat the process as many times as you wish.
Read more about reinstating your previous Quiltster account to access past projects.